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Part-time Enrollment


If you want to take just one course or maybe two, you can! At Alpha Omega School you can pick and choose which courses you enroll in and still enjoy the benefits of our accredited online school. Qualified teachers offer the same daily parent and student support, and your student can enjoy at-home learning with flexible scheduling options.


Whether your student needs to retake a challenging course or if your current school doesn't offer the courses you want, AOS is your answer. We have a wide variety of courses and various curricula formats, so you can pick the right fit for you!


Many Course Options

Looking for a variety? Our online academy has it. Pick from over 100 courses for elementary, middle, or high school grades. Our full course listing includes core subjects such as algebra and biology, along with a huge selection of fun, enriching electives that are offered for one or two semesters.


Check out engaging, media-rich online courses like:

  • Art

  • World Languages like Spanish and French

  • Speech

  • Computer Literacy

  • State History

  • Which ever course you're looking for, we probably have it. 


Qualified Teaching Support

Put experience behind you. Get the superior student support of our qualified teachers no matter how many courses you enroll in. At Alpha Omega School, your student always receives one-on-one attention and a personalized learning plan. Is your student having difficulty with chemistry? Does he need help understanding algebra? Teachers from our online school are just a click or call away and give your student the confidence he needs to learn any concept.


Your Own School Calendar

Want to learn all year long or take a break every semester? You can at AOS We know every student's life is different. AOS lets parents choose their own beginning date and end date for the school year. Parents can also choose within their school calendar which days the student works on school work. Add holidays and non-school days when you want. Make weekends school days or skip school on Tuesdays. (Note: Courses must be completed within 10 months of start date.)

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2329 S. San Jacinto Ave.
San Jacino, CA 92583

Tel: 951-766-9300

Fax: 951-487-9000

© 2018 Alpha Omega Christian School 

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